This week in 1961

“[I’m] truly sorry for the heartaches I’ve caused.”

— Robert Lee Goldsby, convicted of murder, gas chamber, Mississippi.
Executed May 31, 1961

After nineteen appeals, two trials, and several rescheduled execution dates over seven years, Goldsby faced the gas chamber for the murder of Mozelle McCorkle Nelms. Goldsby shot Nelms at the café service station run by her husband, after a fight broke out. The night before his execution, he told a reporter: “I know I am going to a better place. I’m positive I’ve been saved by Jesus Christ.”


This week in 1868

“Well, gentlemen, the Lord God Jesus Christ is the judge of all judges which you will know some day or other. He numbers your days, hours and minutes. You’ll find I’m not guilty some day of the crime for which I am to be hanged till I am dead, dead, dead; as it is written in the paper that the Sheriff has read…Well, I owe no grudge to the gentleman who is to pull the rope. I forgive him from the bottom of my heart and I’ll first make a little prayer to God, now I’ll kneel down and give my heart and soul to God.”

When the sheriff tried to help him to his feet:
“Let me alone, I ain’t done praying.”

— Joseph Brown, convicted of murder, hanging, New York.
Executed May 30, 1868

Brown and his wife Josephine, a working-class couple from Ohio, were accused of murder and defrauding a life insurance company. According to the prosecution, the Browns extended a travel invitation to a neighbor’s young daughter, twelve-year-old Angie Stewart. Once in Cleveland, the Browns took out a five-thousand-dollar life insurance policy on the girl. Police found Stewart’s charred body in a cabin rented by the couple. The Browns contended the fire started accidentally. Police investigators said the girl had been killed before the fire began and that the house had been deliberately burned in a poorly disguised insurance scam.


This week in 1985

“I am as a grain of sand on the beach of the black race. The black race has lost its pride and dignity and is slowly dying from within and without. My death ends my tears, and the fortune of watching my race slowly die. If there is such a thing as an Antichrist, it ain’t one man, but the whole white race.”

— Marvin Francois, convicted of murder, electric chair, Florida.
Executed May 29, 1985

When Francois’s mask fell off during the robbery of a drug house, according to witnesses, he said all eight people who saw his face had to die. He shot six victims in the head with a shotgun. Two others were wounded but survived to help convict Francois.


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