This week in 1864

January 22nd, 2014 by admin

No complete final statement exists, but Jason Luce talked about his evil associates and railed against those who had betrayed him, indicating his desire to brand them before the world. He proclaimed his lawyer to have been his betrayer, confessed to his sins, and said good-bye.

—Jason Luce, convicted of murder, firing squad, Utah.
Executed January 12, 1864

Luce was convicted of murdering a man whom he had invited to his house for dinner. According to Luce, the man beat him for admitting that he was a Mormon. Later, when Luce happened to encounter the man, he pulled a bowie knife and nearly severed the man’s head in retaliation for the beating. On the day of Luce’s execution he was described as being cool, calm, and collected. He asked his brother to take care of a woman carrying his child.

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